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© C.Sinigaglia

23 July 2024

We are awarded a double AFM Telethon grant!

which will support both the team’s research and the postdoctoral project of Florian. The projects focus on the role of jellyfish smooth muscles, in repair processes. We are grateful for the support!

22 July 2024

Our study on siphonophore eudoxid is released on bioRxiv!

Done in collaboration with Maciej Mańko and Catriona Munro:

3 July 2024

Clara successfully obtains a PhD scholarship from Sorbonne University!

Her project focuses on myogenesis in Pelagia. Congrats Clara!

1 July 2024

Welcome Samaël Aupetit

Bachelor student at Sorbonne University, for a summer internship on jellyfish stem cells.

17-21 June 2021

Meghana attends the Summer School “Concepts and Methods in Mechanobiology »

organised by Sorbonne University

30-31 May 2024

OOB Scientific days

where Meghana GC presented for the first time her PhD project!

5-7 May 2024

“Starting Aware Fair & Equitable Labs” workshop, at the Palazzone di Cortona (Italy)

Together with other new PIs, Chiara discussed about how to build successful, equitable, fair, and environmentally sustainable labs. The meeting was supported by UCL and the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. Updates will soon follow: /safe-labs/

6 May 2024

Welcome Vita Plaza-Floquet

Master student at Sorbonne University, Vita will work on the phylogeny of Leptothecata.

3 May 2024

The lab is awarded a Procope+ grant

a French-German program for supporting scientific exchanges: we will be co-organising a workshop on gene editing on marine models. We are grateful to Campus France and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) for the support.

1 May 2024

Fred becomes CNRS engineer (IE)!

after succeeding at the CNRS internal competition, congrats! A special beer got brewed for the occasion…

1 April 2024

Welcome Nikolina Martinčić

Nikolina Martinčić, originally from Croatia, studies at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien. Her Erasmus program internship focuses on Clytia regeneration.

26 March 2024

HFSP grant awarded to the team!

The project focuses on the mesoglea of Clytia and its role during regeneration. It is an interdisciplinary collaboration with the teams of Carl Modes (MPI-CBG Dresden) and Ulyana Shimanovich (Weizmann Institute of Science). More details here: We are very grateful for the amazing support!

23 March 2024

Outreach conference in Perpignan, on jellyfish regeneration 

Thanks to the Comité de Conservation de la Nature des Pyrénées Orientales (CCNPO) for the invitation.

12 February 2024

Welcome Valentina Ferrari

Visiting PhD student from Modena, Italy.

6-7 February 2024

PhD Days at OOB

The yearly meeting of the early career researchers of the Observatory featured interventions from academics and start-uppers.

1-2 February 2024

Journées André Picard 2024 at OOB

Lucas co-organised the recurring JAP meeting, which brings together teams from Sorbonne Alliance working on developmental biology.

10 January 2024

Welcome Chris Latimer

Bachelor student from Halifax University, Canada

4-8 January 2024

Chiara teaches at the « Biophysics and Evolution of Morphogenesis » course in Calfuco, Chile


December 2023

Manon Bosten finishes her PhD projects

… and starts a postdoc at the LBDV. Best of luck Manon!

December 2023

Welcome Meghana GC

PhD student funded bt the Ligue Contre le Cancer

13 November 2023

Welcome Clara Deleau


14 October 2023

Fête de la science 2023 at the OOB

1st September 2023

Fred joins as the CNRS ‘Assistant Ingénieur’ of the team

Welcome Fred!

July 2023

Pelagia F2 generation well on its way! 

10-12 July 2023

Super-resolution microscopy workshop with Frank Schnorrer’s Lab


June-July 2023

Visit of Sophie Peron

Postdoc with Jordi Solana, and former PhD student of Lucas. Nice collaborative project underway, on Clytia

7 July 2023

Inauguration of the new 380L Pelagia system

19-20 June 2023

Florian attends a machine learning image analysis training

30 May 2023

Congrats Dr. Manon Boosten!

22-24 May 2023

Bastien and Lucas attend the ERC StudySarcomere retreat

with the F. Schnorrer, D. Görlich, M. Gautel and S. Raunser labs in the beautiful Château d’Arpaillargues
Thank you Frank for the invitation!

May 2023

Lucas becomes the new president of the Hydrozoan Society

 Next meeting in Banyuls (2026-27)


May 2023

Maciej Manko and Lucas sampling hydrozoans near Espegrend, Norway

International Hydrozoan Society workshop in Bergen


May 2023

Bye bye breakfast for Alix and May Line

May 2023

Team picture

From left to right: Bastien, Chiara, Florian, Capucine, Marti, Alix, May Line, Lucas

April 2023

Life cycle of Pelagia is closed in the lab!

4 April 2023

Chiara attending the CNRS recruits introduction day


March 2023

Best talk award for Bastien Salmon and its Pelagia sarcomeres

All the lab attends the Journées André Picard 2023 in Paris

March 2023

To regenerate or not to regenerate? This is the question!

Eleonora Nigro @nigrelex

8 March 2023

Chiara presents the Clytia regeneration project, at the Cambridge evo-devo series

6-14 March 2023

Lucas takes part in a Siphonophore-themed retreat in Gdansk, Poland

with Maciej Manko and Catriona Munro. Thank you Maciej for the invitation!

16 January 2023

Welcome Capucine

Master 2 student from La Rochelle University


1st January 2023

Florian joins the team for his post-doc

ATIP-Avenir funded post-doc


24-26 October 2022

Chiara presents Clytia research at the Max Planck-CBG, Dresden

Great days of discussions! Thanks Carl Modes for the invitation

10 October 2022

Work in progress…

10 October 2022

First breakfast at the OOB housing

Nice way to start the day!

7 October 2022

Ready to take the road to Banyuls!

Lucas moves his projects from Villefranche (LBDV) to Banyuls (BIOM)

26-30 September 2022

Chiara attends the EMBO regeneration meeting

Thank you EMBO for supporting the travel

July 2022

Transcriptomic work of Chiara, from her postdoc in the Averof lab, highlighted by CNRS

Regeneration is not a simple repetition of development

June 2022

Chiara gets a CNRS permanent position as « Chargée de Recherche »

Congrats Chiara!

18 April 2022

The Cnidevo Lab officially opens!

Welcome to Cnidarian Development and
Evolution Team

